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The State Council issued a document to support the development of the steel e-commerce and freight forwarding industry
Release time:2021-11-03   Browse:1625 Back to list

At the regular press conference of the National Development and Reform Commission on August 6, the State Council issued Document No. 26 "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of the Producer Service Industry and Promoting Industrial Structure Adjustment and Upgrade" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions") . The “Guiding Opinions” have made comprehensive arrangements for the development of the producer service industry, and have also brought benefits to the large freight forwarding industry and the e-commerce industry.

"National 11" multi-party support for the producer service industry

Following the State Council's guidance on the development of life-oriented service industries such as family, pension, health, cultural creativity, etc., the development of the producer service industry has also been put on the agenda.

Producer service industry refers to the extension of upstream and downstream activities of production, including professional services, information and intermediary services, financial and insurance services, and trade-related services. In the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", it is clearly proposed to expand the financial service industry in an orderly manner, vigorously develop the modern freight forwarding industry, cultivate and expand the high-tech service industry, and standardize and upgrade the business service industry. In the "Guiding Opinions", the focused producer services are grouped into 11 main tasks, which are also referred to as "National 11 Articles" for short.

At this stage, my country’s productive service industry focuses on the development of R&D and design, third-party freight forwarding, financial leasing, information technology services, energy conservation and environmental protection services, inspection and certification, e-commerce, business consulting, service outsourcing, after-sales service, human resource services and branding Construction.

Big freight forwarding industry and e-commerce industry welcome good news

Not long ago, Yao Jingyuan, a special researcher in the Counselor’s Office of the State Council, mentioned several figures in an interview with the media: my country’s freight forwarding cost was 10 trillion yuan last year, accounting for 18% of GDP, while that of developed countries is 8%- 9%. If the cost of my country's freight forwarding can be reduced to the level of developed countries, then it can save about 5 trillion yuan in freight forwarding fees a year.

The drop in the cost of the freight forwarding industry is a profit for production companies, a price cut for consumers, and a profit space for circulation companies.

The "Guiding Opinions" made reasonable planning and construction for third-party freight forwarders and e-commerce, and encouraged enterprises to develop toward the high end of the value chain.

CICC's research report believes that the freight forwarding industry benefits from two levels. The first is that freight forwarding and warehousing in agriculture and industry will achieve greater outsourcing, whether it is professional freight forwarding companies such as steel, petrochemical, and cold chain, or public freight forwarding companies such as transportation, warehousing, and freight forwarding. Secondly, if considering the upgrade and development of freight forwarding companies themselves, some companies are likely to upgrade to fourth-party freight forwarders or even fifth-party freight forwarding companies to provide more professional freight forwarding services.

At the same time, the e-commerce industry has also benefited a lot. The "Guiding Opinions" require deepening the e-commerce application of large and medium-sized enterprises, promote online transactions of bulk raw materials, online customization of industrial products, coordinated development of upstream and downstream affiliate businesses, and innovate organizational structures and business models.

CICC believes that as the first batch of companies to promote the B2B circulation of bulk commodities, China Reserve still has huge room for B2B development in the future. Before and after the release of the "Guiding Opinions", the stock price of China Reserve Stock has continued to rise.

Financial innovation becomes one of the policy guarantees

It is worth noting that financial innovation is listed in the "Guiding Opinions" as one of the six major policy measures to support the producer service industry. A series of innovative financing methods including intellectual property pledge, warehouse receipt pledge, credit insurance policy pledge, etc. are being brewed.

The "Guiding Opinions" encourage commercial banks to develop various financial products and services suitable for the characteristics of the producer service industry in accordance with the principles of controllable risks and sustainable business, and actively develop financing methods such as business circle financing and supply chain financing, and require research, formulation and utilization Pledge of intellectual property rights, pledge of warehouse receipts, pledge of credit insurance policies, pledge of equity, commercial factoring and other feasible measures for financing, thereby broadening the financing channels of enterprises and supporting qualified producer service enterprises to list and raise financing and issue bonds .

At the press conference, Xia Nong, deputy director of the Industry Coordination Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in response to a question from a reporter from the Economic Information Daily that the service industry, including the producer service industry, has its own development characteristics, such as light assets, which can be mortgaged. There are few physical assets and knowledge-intensive. Once there is a relatively good development environment, it will show explosive growth. This is also a very important new growth point in the adjustment and upgrading of my country's economic and industrial structure. Therefore, financial innovation around the producer service industry is very important.

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