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E-commerce freight forwarders' competition for financial strength becomes a test
Release time:2021-11-03   Browse:1395 Back to list

While the price war has intensified, the freight forwarding war of various home appliance companies has also begun. A few days ago, Suning.com launched a freight forwarding "blitzkrieg", relying on its own advantages in the O2O model, shopping on JD.com in terms of delivery efficiency, making the e-commerce market extremely strong in gunpowder.

The industry believes that the bottleneck hindering the realization of the O2O model is the service capacity of freight forwarders. The delivery efficiency of freight forwarders in the last mile is an extremely important factor in the competition in the e-commerce market. Behind the e-commerce war is the freight forwarding war. However, how to ease the financial pressure caused by the construction of freight forwarding systems will be a test for major e-commerce companies.

Suning starts a racing war

"818" has become the promotion carnival second only to "Double Eleven" in the e-commerce industry. The promotion enthusiasm of various e-commerce companies has not diminished at all this year, but has become more vigorous than in previous years. In past promotional activities, e-commerce companies have been questioned about the strength of freight forwarders. In recent years, various e-commerce companies have also spent a lot of money to improve freight forwarders and attract consumers to buy.

Li Bin, executive vice president of Suning Cloud Business Operations Headquarters, said that "818" Suning.com will start an e-commerce competition with great fanfare. The three major freight forwarding services are "half-day delivery", "rapid delivery" and "three-day delivery". It will be fully implemented in August.

It is reported that Suning.com will intelligently match the products purchased by users with the delivery address, and the advantages of the O2O model will greatly refresh the e-commerce delivery time record. This service will be implemented in August in areas covered by stores in 12 cities including Beijing. .

I have to mention that Jingdong Mall has been building freight forwarders with great fanfare. Since 2009, JD.com has been deploying warehousing and freight forwarding centers nationwide and building B2C freight forwarding centers.

Senior industrial economic observer and e-commerce industry analyst Liang Zhenpeng believes that Suning’s O2O model of promoting online and offline integration has begun to take effect in the first half of this year since the beginning of the Internetization of physical stores last year. 1,600 Suning physical stores across the country have become its Freight forwarding distribution outlets provide grounded local services for online sales platforms and become a strong support foundation for the newly launched "Quick Delivery" service. The freight forwarding network coverage and services formed by e-commerce's comprehensive integration of online and offline channels are the key to winning the competition.

Freight forwarder is built into "Sales Gold Cave"

From the beginning of this year to the end of July, Suning.com was relatively low-key in the e-commerce industry. The reporter was informed that Suning Tesco was dormant for half a year and focused on backstage construction. In terms of freight forwarding base construction, in the first half of this year, Suning continued to build new freight forwarding bases and put them into use. At the same time, it continued to promote the construction of store courier points and service outlets, and optimized freight forwarding operation mode and long-tail merchandise distribution rules.

In the B2C market dominated by independent sales, JD.com has the largest market share, and Suning.com ranks second, which is significantly higher than that of Vipshop, Amazon China, and Dangdang. According to relevant sources of Suning.com, “Suning.com plans to further increase its market share, and capital investment must be increased.” Similarly, JD.com has also been painstakingly funded. E-commerce “big guys” have to invest huge sums of money to build their own freight forwarding platform while stepping up to raise funds.

A source from the China Freight Forwarders Association told reporters: “The e-commerce freight forwarding battle seems to be lively, but the freight forwarding rate is the actual measurement standard. Suning.com’s freight forwarding rate was 99.02% in June. JD.com has not yet completed statistics. ."

Liang Zhenpeng believes that the e-commerce industry is talking about the O2O model, but the bottleneck hindering the realization of the O2O model is the freight forwarding service capability. The entire process of online shopping from shipment to delivery to users is directly linked to the user experience. The delivery efficiency of one kilometer freight forwarder is an extremely important factor in the competition in the e-commerce market. Therefore, behind the e-commerce war is the freight forwarding war. In the first half of the year, major e-commerce companies made efforts to continuously increase the rate of freight forwarding. However, the construction of freight forwarders cannot be underestimated. Having a strong and stable capital investment capacity has become a decisive factor in the e-commerce battle.

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