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2023 China (Zhejiang) China Africa Economic and Trade Forum and China Africa Cultural Cooperation and Exchange Month Opening Event
Release time:2023-12-22   Browse:630 Back to list

Since mid November, the Houthi armed forces have been carrying out attacks on ships related to Israel in the Red Sea. At least 13 container shipping companies have successively announced the suspension of navigation in the Red Sea and nearby waters or detours around Cape of Good Hope (see article: The situation in the Red Sea is tense, and freight rates may continue to rise until January! At least 13 shipowners detour around Cape of Good Hope). It is estimated that the total value of goods carried by ships departing from the Red Sea route has exceeded 80 billion US dollars.


The Chinese Secretariat of the China African Union Commercial Legal Cooperation Committee (Zhejiang) and the Chinese Secretariat of the China Egypt Commercial Legal Cooperation Committee (Zhejiang) will play the role of commercial legal experts from both China and Africa, strengthen legal cooperation between the two sides in friction response, intellectual property, mediation and arbitration, help enterprises prevent risks, resolve disputes, and promote stable and far-reaching economic and trade cooperation between Zhejiang and Africa; The Zhejiang Liaison Office of the China Africa Joint Chamber of Commerce will focus on high-level top-level design, high-level exhibition platforms, high-quality trade and financial services, and provide comprehensive and professional support services for Zhejiang enterprises to carry out economic and trade cooperation with Africa. In addition, the forum also released landmark achievements such as the China Africa Capacity Cooperation Development Report (2022-2023) and the China Africa Trade Jinhua Index.


At the opening ceremony, Zhang Shenfeng stated in his speech that the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), as a national trade and investment promotion agency, has always actively carried out work in Africa. By organizing events such as the China Africa Entrepreneurship Conference and the BRICS Business Forum, establishing representative offices in African countries, compiling and distributing business guides in Africa, and conducting training for Africa, we aim to provide smooth channels and assistance for trade and investment cooperation between Chinese and African enterprises. The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) will continue to play its role in connecting government and enterprises, integrating internal and external resources, and facilitating supply and demand, making greater contributions to promoting economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa and building a high-level community with a shared future for China and Africa.

Lu Shan, vice governor of Zhejiang Province, said that at present, Zhejiang Province is vigorously promoting the three "No. 1 projects" of deepening innovation, tackling key problems in reform, and opening up and upgrading, and is taking the lead in pushing forward the new journey of Chinese path to modernization, writing a new chapter. Zhejiang will continue to expand the breadth and depth of cooperation with Africa, promoting innovation and upgrading of Zhejiang Africa cooperation. In building a new era of cooperation between China and Africa, we will make practical efforts and seek new opportunities, contributing more Zhejiang's strength to the construction of a high-level community with a shared future for China and Africa in the new era.


Chen Jianzhong accompanied Zhang Shenfeng to visit Jinhua and showcase the achievements of its cooperation with Africa

During the opening event, Chen Jianzhong accompanied Zhang Shenfeng to visit the exhibition of Jinhua's achievements in cooperation with Africa, and learned about Jinhua's high-quality promotion of all-round cooperation with Africa in economic and trade fields and its achievements.

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