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The visit of the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation to Jinhua has yielded fruitful results
Release time:2023-12-22   Browse:669 Back to list

Those who share the same aspirations do not consider mountains and seas as distant. Jinhua is thousands of miles away from Tanzania, but they have frequent interactions. From August 13th to 19th, the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation came to our city for exchange and inspection. They visited Yiwu, Yongkang, Dongyang and other places for inspection, and held procurement coordination meetings with our city's enterprises.


Tanzania is an important member of cooperation with Africa. Last November, China Tanzania relations were upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership. The visit of the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation to our city for exchange and inspection is a practical action of deepening exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.

Deepen understanding

"Although this trip was rushed, it was worth it." On August 14th, the purchaser Ajima followed the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation into the Yiwu International Trade City. They walked, looked, and asked, occasionally taking out their phones to take photos.

Ajima has studied abroad in Hangzhou and has also come to Yiwu for procurement, and is not unfamiliar with Yiwu International Trade City. After strolling around one day, he and many colleagues held a thick stack of business cards in their hands. "Yiwu has gathered over 2.1 million types of goods, exported to more than 200 countries and regions, and can be said to sell all over the world. We can almost buy the products we want here." Ajima said, looking forward to continuing to negotiate cooperation with merchants in the future.


The World Hardware Boutique Museum is a situational and experiential exhibition hall with the theme of "Let Yongkang Hardware Go Global, Let World Hardware Gather Yongkang", focusing on showcasing Yongkang's manufacturing boutiques, Yongkang brand integration, and world hardware masterpieces. The dazzling array of hardware products in the museum has aroused the interest of members of the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation, who have taken photos to leave product information.

"This is my first time coming to Yongkang, and this trip has given me a deeper understanding of Jinhua's industrial characteristics and seen new opportunities for cooperation." Delegation member Saeed Cabdalla said that the Tanzanian market has great potential, and Yongkang's products, relying on quality and price advantages, are sure to succeed in Tanzania.

Make new friends and expand your social circle. "The visit of the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation has brought new development opportunities to the company." Cheng Mingsong, Deputy General Manager of Buyang Group, said that this visit will further help the company expand its customer base in Tanzania and promote deep level cooperation and exchanges in multiple fields.

"The members of the delegation visiting Jinhua this time include both state-owned and private enterprises, mainly concentrated in the fields of mining, machinery and equipment, timber, etc. Everyone has great confidence in the Chinese market and looks forward to the import and export market." Tanzania's Deputy Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Mining, Msaferi Mbibo, said, inviting our city's enterprises to visit Tanzania to inspect the market, expand investment, and deepen cooperation and exchanges between the two regions, To achieve win-win development through positive interaction.

Expand cooperation

After the on-site inspection of the market and enterprises, the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation's Jinhua procurement docking meeting was held on August 18th.

Zhou Yan, general manager of Zhejiang Ferris Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., said: "After in-depth exchanges and negotiations, the delegation members purchased a container Jinhua bag, as well as some Yongkang hardware, electric tools and other products, which was very awesome."


During this inspection and exchange, the Tanzanian delegation learned that our city has established the first designated delivery warehouse for bulk commodities in Zhejiang Province within the Jinyi Comprehensive Bonded Zone, with a cumulative storage capacity of over 15000 tons and a value of over 1 billion yuan, of which more than 20% are imported from Tanzania.

According to preliminary statistics, through early procurement coordination, the two companies have reached preliminary cooperation intentions in mineral resources, mining equipment, cosmetics, logistics services, clothing and bags, with over 10 projects and over 50 procurement intentions, with an intention amount exceeding 18 million yuan.

Customs data shows that in the first half of this year, Jinhua's imports and exports to Tanzania amounted to 2.93 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.4%. At the end of September this year, Jinhua will organize more than 100 Jinhua enterprises to carry out industry docking activities in Tanzania, sharing the development dividends in areas such as commercial services, technology docking, drug research and development, and green development.

Tie the knot tightly

Strolling through the pink walls, black tiles, and towering horse heads of Jiangnan residences, strolling through the exquisite and magnificent master workshops, one feels as if they are in a state of immersion... On August 16th, in Dongyang Woodcarving Town, members of the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation deeply felt the charm of Dongyang's ancient architectural culture and woodcarving culture.


Africa is rich in various types of logs, and the wood carving industry has a certain foundation. At the Dongyang Woodcarving Museum, Woodcarving City, and other places, members of the Tanzanian economic and trade delegation have shown a strong interest in Dongyang Woodcarving, and occasionally inquire with staff about Dongyang Woodcarving craftsmanship, procurement methods, etc. in a targeted manner.

The friendship between nations lies in mutual affinity between the people, and mutual affinity between the people lies in mutual understanding. Cultural and educational exchanges are of great significance in the exchange and cooperation between China and Africa. As early as 2013, Jinhua signed a letter of intent for friendly exchanges with the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, and Zhejiang Normal University established a Confucius Institute at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

In November last year, the first stop of the "Golden World Clouds in Africa" China Africa Cultural Cooperation and Exchange Cloud Exhibition was successfully released in Tanzania, and the "Road as a Medium - From the" Tanzania Zambia Railway "to the" Addis Ababa Djibouti Railway "Art Exchange Exhibition was held in Jinhua, allowing the two civilizations of China and Africa to exchange and sublimate in common and collision.

In addition, the 10 episode documentary "The Golden Flower" from the perspective of African Gabonese girl Zhou Aile's trip to Jinhua has been broadcasted in more than 20 African countries, including Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Uganda, and South Africa. This documentary, jointly produced by the Jinhua Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism and Sida Times Group, leads African audiences to experience the unique new era scenery and customs of Jinhua.

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