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Import and export
Release time:2021-11-03   Browse:930 Back to list

It is a professional freight forwarding company specializing in international and domestic shipping and air transportation. Engaged in the establishment of industry, domestic trade, goods and technology import and export business, international freight forwarding, NVOCC business, etc.

Import and export refers to a series of specific businesses involving the sale and purchase of commodities, including labor services, technology, etc., through contracts concluded with foreign parties.

The specific contents include: buying and selling and trading methods of import and export commodities; transportation and storage of import and export commodities; inspection of import and export commodities; customs supervision of import and export commodities; freight insurance business of import and export commodities; settlement of payment for import and export commodities And provide funds for international settlement and bank credit business, arbitration work and judicial trial for the settlement of import and export business disputes; operation and management of import and export business, etc.

The procedures of various businesses can generally be divided into three stages: transaction negotiation, contract fulfillment and delivery.

1. In the transaction negotiation stage, the importer first sets out the necessary conditions, asks the exporter for inquiries or expresses its purchase intention through the intermediary, so that the relevant "supplier" or "exporter" can contact with it, or the exporter directly Propose a sale to the importer; then the exporter makes an offer to the importer, the importer counters the offer, and the two parties agree to "accept" by letter and telegram. The offer is completed, and then the transaction is completed. The two parties have completed the agreement on the terms of sale and exchanged letters Or sign a contract to complete the buying and selling procedures.

2. In the contract performance stage, the importer’s job is to apply for import licenses, import visas, develop letters of credit, negotiate with FOB delivery terms (booking), and insured marine insurance for FOB or C&F transactions. Etc.; the work of exporters is stock preparation, domestic transportation, negotiation of shipping space under C&F or CIF terms, marine insurance under CIF terms, export signing, commodity inspection and customs declaration.

3. In the delivery stage, the exporter shall comply with the provisions of the letter of credit. Prepare the shipping documents and collect the payment from the designated bank within the time specified in the letter of credit, or ask the bank to collect the payment (D/P, D/A); the importer should prepare the delivery documents and prepare for customs declaration and delivery , And handle matters such as notarization inspection.

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