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Warehousing Services
Release time:2021-11-03   Browse:924 Back to list

With rich experience in warehousing management and a professional management team, through scientific operation methods, strict management systems, and advanced warehousing management systems, we provide customers with economic, safe, accurate and real-time warehousing services.

Warehousing service refers to a form of service in which the custodian stores the warehousing delivered by the inventor and collects the storage fee paid by the inventor. The scope of warehousing services should include various types of warehousing services, such as frozen warehousing, fresh and live warehousing, etc. However, bonded warehousing needs to be approved by the customs.

Fundamental contents:

(1) On-site reserve

On-site storage is often used in physical distribution, especially those manufacturers with limited product varieties or highly seasonal products prefer this service. Instead of arranging various stocks in warehouse facilities according to the annual plan, they ship directly from the manufacturing plant, and by obtaining the promise of advance stock in the strategic market, the delivery time can be greatly reduced. Therefore, under this concept, a certain number of products of a certain manufacturer are stacked in the warehouse or "on-site storage" in the warehouse to satisfy customers' orders during the crucial marketing period. Using warehouse facilities for on-site storage, it is possible to stack various stocks in various markets close to key customers before the peak season for sales. Agricultural product suppliers often provide farmers with on-site storage services, positioning agricultural products in markets closer to service-sensitive during the peak sales season; after the sales season, the remaining inventory is withdrawn to the central warehouse.

(2) Distribution classification

Warehouses that provide distribution and classification services can be used by manufacturers, wholesalers, or retailers to combine and reserve products in accordance with the expectations for customers to pick up the goods. This distribution classification can represent a variety of products from different manufacturers, or various distribution classifications specified by customers. The difference between on-site storage and complete product assortment lies in the degree and duration of warehouse utilization. The manufacturers of the port with the on-site storage strategy usually temporarily store products with narrower categories in warehouses, and store them in a large number of small warehouses, and specify specific markets within a limited time; while warehouses that provide distribution and classification services usually have A wide range of products, limited to some strategic locations, and play a role throughout the year. The distribution warehouse can enable customers to reduce the number of suppliers they have to deal with, and therefore improve warehousing services. In addition, the distribution and sorting warehouse can also combine products to form larger shipment batches, thereby reducing transportation costs.

(3) Warehouse combination

Similar to warehouse classification, when manufacturing locations are geographically divided, it is possible to reduce freight and warehouse requirements through long-distance transportation combinations. Under typical combined transportation conditions, from the manufacturing plant to the wholesaler to ship the entire truck, each large-volume shipment can enjoy the lowest possible transportation rate. Once the products arrive at the combined warehouse, after unloading the goods shipped from the manufacturing plant, you can choose the transportation combination of each product according to the requirements of each customer or market demand. Transshipment through a combination of transportation can usually be economically supported by special transportation rates, that is, various transshipment discounts are given. Under the concept of combined warehouse, inward products can also be combined with products that are regularly stored in the warehouse. The net effect that a warehouse that provides combined transshipment services can obtain is to reduce the storage volume of the entire product in the logistics system. The combination is classified as a service benefit because the inventory can be reserved according to the precise classification of customers.

(4) Production support

The manufacturing economy will prove the importance of specific parts for long-term production, and the production support warehouse can provide a stable supply of parts and materials to the assembly plant. Due to the low lead time or major changes in the use process, it is completely necessary to securely reserve the items purchased from the outside world. In this regard, most total cost solutions recommend operating a production support warehouse to supply or "sing" processing materials, parts and assemblies to the assembly plant in an economical and timely manner.

(5) Market image

Although the market image benefit may not be as obvious as other service benefits, it is often seen by sales managers as a major advantage of local warehouses. The market image factor is based on the insights and viewpoints that local warehouses (and presumably local stocks) are more sensitive to customer needs and provide faster delivery services than warehouses that are farther away. And because of this, I came up with the idea of buying, believing that local warehouses will increase market share and possibly increase profits. Although the market image factor is a frequently discussed strategy, there are few solid studies to confirm its impact on actual benefits.

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