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How important is warehousing to small and medium-sized e-commerce companies?
Release time:2021-11-03   Browse:1096 Back to list

The logistics reform and innovation in the Internet age are rooted in the upstream business changes. In 2015, China's Internet commerce has completely eroded traditional commerce. E-commerce has evolved from B2C to B2B2C, and then to the combination of O2O and C2B. The entire logistics center of gravity has undergone major changes. In 2015, JD’s major strategy is channel sinking and O2O layout; Ali’s strategy is to go out (cross-border) and go in (rural e-commerce); SF Express has shifted from the original Heike to SF Express, and at the same time deploys the rural logistics market. Reorganize the 5 major business groups strategy.

From this, we can see two major signals in the E-commerce 3.0 era:

1. Commercial change O2O is the general trend;

2. The cloud warehouse model has become the next rigid demand, including core city cloud warehouse + urban cloud warehouse + community cloud warehouse + cross-border global cloud warehouse.

So how important is warehousing to e-commerce companies!

1) First of all, we must be clear about what core competitiveness should be as an e-commerce company?

Of course, how to increase the sales of online stores, followed by the quality of services and goods, and then how to reduce costs and improve efficiency. The summary is as follows: 1. Acquire customers, increase order volume (channels) 2. Keep customers, improve secondary conversion (brand) 3. Get profits snowball (cost reduction).

I think these are enough for e-commerce companies to scratch their heads. If the core competitiveness of e-commerce is also put into warehouse management, it will require a lot of time and money to deal with the quality of warehousing and distribution, which will inevitably affect In your own business, if you can't do well in warehousing and distribution, the platform will have an impact on ratings and sales. For example, warehouse location, warehouse management system, warehouse personnel recruitment, warehouse planning, warehouse equipment, fire prevention, theft prevention, and moisture prevention, etc. These are all things that need to be considered when building a warehouse, which will affect your business and delivery. Therefore, it is necessary to choose third-party warehousing and distribution.

2) Then there is the question of time allocation. Many e-commerce companies have been struggling to control the quality of supply, customer purchase feedback, and obtain customer source channels. We also need to consider planning operations and warehousing distribution. How can we have so much time? So how to solve this problem? That is to find a professional person to help you share it?

Third-party warehousing can help e-commerce companies free up a lot of time spent in warehousing and distribution. This link can help e-commerce companies save a lot of time and cost. Compared with our own warehouse staff, the professional knowledge and practical experience are much higher than our own warehouse staff. Frequent losses can easily lead to slower operations in the entire warehouse and increase the error rate. The relatively stable staffing of third-party warehouses has helped e-commerce companies save labor costs. Can we spend the extra time on the basis of these two cost reductions? In terms of our core competitiveness, can the saved labor cost be replaced by talents who can bring true core value to the enterprise.

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