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E-commerce warehousing: analysis of the selection factors of outsourcing warehousing
Release time:2021-11-03   Browse:1622 Back to list

With the rapid development of e-commerce, more and more large merchants have begun to emerge. They are very different from small merchants in terms of order size, standing SKU size, and the number of suppliers. With their growth, e-commerce warehousing and distribution outsourcing Services have gradually matured. Choosing the right talent warehouse distribution service partner at the right time is a test of the wisdom of the business. At present, there are various types of warehouse and distribution service providers on the market. Warehouse and distribution service providers that focus on the e-commerce industry can be roughly divided into three categories: One is the transformation from the traditional logistics industry to e-commerce warehouse and distribution services, such as Sinotrans, COSCO, and Kerry EAS. Such service providers have strong financial strength and strong professional background. However, traditional warehouse distribution companies focus on the B2B field. In the B2C field, intensive cultivation is needed, especially to deepen the understanding of e-commerce. The second is some warehouse distribution service providers with strong e-commerce meaning, such as Best, Net Warehouse, Benchmark, Fanet, Wuzhou, Benin and so on. This type of service provider has a very deep understanding of e-commerce, and the warehouse operations focus on the B2C field from the beginning. However, most of them have not yet formed a nationwide warehousing system and cannot provide merchants with a comprehensive system of warehousing and distribution services. The third is e-commerce warehousing through the transformation of express delivery systems such as Tongda. In the past few years, this type of service provider has transformed from express delivery to warehousing and distribution services, starting with the cost-effective activity business, and has accumulated part of the e-commerce warehousing and distribution operation experience. Now it is gradually developing towards specialized warehouses, such as Yuantong Xinlong, Tiantian, Zhongtong and Shentong rely on warehousing and distribution services provided by distribution centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities. This type of service provider is inferior to the former two in terms of professionalism, but its cost advantage is obvious, which is very suitable for fast-in and fast-out activity business, and can solve the problem of insufficient logistics flexibility of merchants in the big promotion event scenario. In general, when the order fluctuation range is low (that is, the order volume is stable), the merchant should choose the self-built warehouse and distribution service. This kind of choice is mostly small sellers on Taobao. The daily order volume is hundreds of orders and the SKU scale is not large. Merchants themselves can better control orders, products, and inventory. The vast majority of small businesses in Taobao that stock up on their own are in this rank. The large merchants who build their own warehouses mainly include those large sellers whose store size and their logistics capabilities have developed simultaneously and those who are cautious about warehouse outsourcing. Representatives such as Handu clothes, wheat bags, three squirrels and so on. This type of business has a large scale and has high requirements for logistics services. Its investment in logistics is not comparable to that of ordinary merchants. This investment enables the merchant's logistics capabilities to well meet the expansion of its store scale. In addition, some merchants value their own cargo rights and data very much, and they must be in their own hands to feel "secure." Both types of businesses will choose to invest heavily in self-built warehouses. Outsourcing of warehousing and distribution options Generally speaking, most merchants choose warehousing and distribution service outsourcing based on cost and efficiency considerations. For example, during Double Eleven, the merchants' own standing service capabilities are not enough to meet the short-term delivery requirements, and they will choose to temporarily outsource warehousing services to a third party. Or when a certain merchant develops and grows, he finds that self-built warehousing is getting heavier and heavier, taking up a lot of labor and cost, but outsourcing is relatively worry-free. You can pack lightly, do a good job in front-end marketing, and get more orders. .

Merchants with self-built warehouses may gradually become too many outsourced partially, fully outsourced, or temporarily outsourced. The main criteria for judging whether to choose partial outsourcing and full outsourcing are the difficulty and cost of warehousing construction. There are different situations for various projects, and business investment is also different. Here is a symbolic number concept: double two thousand. That is, two thousand standing SKUs or two thousand orders per day. The former represents the difficulty of the operation in the warehouse. The more SKUs, the more difficult the operation in the warehouse. The latter represents the input cost in the warehouse. The greater the order volume, the greater the cost input. Of course, there are many other factors that will affect these two indicators, such as inventory turnover rate, SKU characteristics (storage conditions, floor space, etc.), labor costs, warehouse rental costs, and so on. The main criterion for measuring whether to choose temporary outsourcing is order quantity flexibility. When the instantaneous order quantity exceeds the daily order quantity by more than 5 times and exceeds 2000 orders, the warehouse can choose whether to temporarily outsource to the express warehouse to solve the problem of insufficient flexibility. Of course, this number is also a reference number, and merchants have to choose according to their actual conditions. Only when orders fluctuate greatly and the difficulty and cost of warehousing management have risen sharply, merchants need to choose a professional outsourcing warehouse to provide full-link logistics services.

The activity warehousing business can solve the problem of the mismatch between the merchant’s explosive delivery capacity requirements and the daily operation capacity. Santong Yida has been involved in this type of business two years ago. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other sellers, warehousing and distribution services for activity businesses such as Juhuasuan have been established. This type of service is characterized by fewer SKUs, fast in and out. Two years ago, Juhuasuan adopted the method of forced warehousing, and most of the merchants entered such warehouses. Starting from an event business to a daily retail business will help establish a trust relationship between the merchant and the warehouse. In the event warehousing scenario, the merchant establishes a trust relationship with the warehouse through a relatively simple activity scenario. After trying, it is possible to choose all warehousing or partial warehousing, and establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the warehouse. Representatives such as Best, provided logistics services for Inman through the "Double Eleven", and eventually became Inman's warehousing service provider. And those large merchants with self-built logistics that develop simultaneously in scale and logistics capabilities, after the cost and management difficulty of self-built logistics reach a certain limit, they may choose better logistics solutions or optimize their own logistics capabilities. Full or partial outsourcing. This is especially true for those apparel categories with many SKUs and frequent new additions.

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